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Part of TEAM Education Trust

  • Together Everyone Achieves More


    Visiting Professionals

    We work very closely with a range of visiting professional staff in order to ensure that pupils' needs are well provided for - physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, visual impaired, speech and language therapist, and hearing impaired. Pupils with mental health needs are seen by LD-CAMHS (Learning Difficulties - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services).

    Special Education Needs & Disability Officers (14 – 25) for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities are available from Year 9 onwards for our pupils and their families. They will participate in Annual Reviews, group work in class, be available at parents evenings etc. They offer individual tailored guidance about possible, realistic post-school options for our school leavers.

    Additional Therapy & Communication Techniques to support SEND

    Some pupils require additional therapy input and this may be carried out by class staff or visiting professionals. In some classes the timetable reflects the need for pupils to have a longer period of time for sessions. Where appropriate MOVE, Rebound, Motor Learning, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy targets are incorporated into a student’s daily/weekly timetable. We aim to give our students opportunities to MOVE with a purpose, to help maintain our students independence.

    Physiotherapy and how it can support our pupils to gain functional mobility

    Physiotherapy, a way of life for disabled children and young people, with complex needs; it provides personalised care and support that they need to gain functional mobility, and increased independence.

    Quite simply, we aim to put in place a programme which ensures our young people with complex needs are supported to gain the physical and communication skills they need in order to:

    • SIT to eat, participate in activities, education and eventual employment;
    • STAND to increase strength, mobility and flexibility;
    • WALK to participate in play or complete tasks, with and without support;
    • TRANSITION from bed to chair or sitting to standing.

    We also deliver Hydrotherapy, Physio and Motor Learning therapies within school. All these therapies aid the following benefits:

    • Numeracy
    • Communication
    • Stamina
    • Strength of limbs
    • Co-ordination
    • Freedom of movement
    • Patience
    • Independence
    • Relaxation
    • Self-confidence
    • Balance
    • Fun and enjoyment
    • Muscle tone
    • Reaction speed
    • Self-image
    • Eye-contact
    • Spatial awareness
    • Sense of achievement
    • Body awareness
    • Social awareness
    • Consideration of others
    • Colour recognition
    • Height and depth perception
    • Trust and confidence

    Stubbin Wood School recognises that communication is a vital part of our pupils’ education. We endeavour to provide an environment which caters for the use of a range of communication methods.It is very important for our pupils to be able to communicate and equally as important for everyone who works with our pupils to support them appropriately.

    There are many different forms of communication techniques used at Stubbin Wood which are chosen to meet the individual needs of the pupils:

    • Objects of Reference and Visual Timetables
    • Makaton sign language and on body signing
    • Body movement, facial expressions, eye contact and Intensive interaction
    • Photographs and Symbols
    • Eye pointing
    • Communication iPads which have different communication apps on them
    • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

    In providing access to a range of communication methods we hope to help our pupils make choices, make their needs know and be involved in making decisions about their lives.