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Part of TEAM Education Trust

  • Together Everyone Achieves More

    School's Values & Aims

    At Stubbin Wood School & Nursery we aim to provide a stimulating and challenging learning experience in a safe environment to enable all pupils to achieve success and reach their potential. 

    We are part of TEAM Education Trust (Together Everyone Achieves More) and believe that collaboration is key to children and young people have the best opportunities to be successful.

    We offer an excellent environment that provides both holistic and personalised approaches by being 'TEAM'. This enables our students to achieve personal success and reach their potential by removing barriers to learning and participation.  By facilitating aspirational outcomes for all our students, which are academic, personal and social, we help them to plan for a fulfilling life beyond school and enjoy meaningful pathways into adulthood.

    Our aim is to provide excellent education through "creating opportunities for everyone to achieve success and reach their potential", using our values and ethos as core building blocks for everything we do.  They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. Within school, we ensure we are considerate of the local offer and use this to support our students with SEND.


    Our values

    S - Standards

    T - Team work

    U - Unique

    B - Believe

    B - Belonging

    I - Independent

    N - Nurture


    W - Well-being

    O - Opportunities

    O - Outcomes

    D - Dedication


    Our vision is that these values are accomplished in the following ways: -

    • Children will receive high quality teaching using a range of stimulating resources that maximise the context of the local area and beyond. Having high expectations of our students to achieve through an appropriate curriculum, which is inclusive in nature and based on three interlinked pathways promoting a positive attitude to learning. These pathways are known as, experience, explore and investigate. (see our Curriculum page for more information)
    • The learning atmosphere will be safe, where children can express themselves in the security of an open and supportive classroom in which they can fully develop their academic and social skills. As well as support their mental health and well-being, with an emphasis on resilience.
    • Have high expectations set for all children in order to raise levels of achievement and make progress against their individual learning targets across the school.
    • The school will provide for the physical, social and moral development of every child.
    • Children will be encouraged to demonstrate attitudes of courtesy, sensitivity and tolerance. The school will not tolerate any discrimination or inequality of opportunity.       

    Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) - We are very proud to hold the IQM Flagship School status