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Part of TEAM Education Trust

  • Together Everyone Achieves More

    Sixth Form Learning

    Helping your child to develop their confidence in learning at home is a really great way of supporting their learning skills when they come to school.

    The focus of our learning in Sixth Form is centered around preparing for adulthood; we encourage our students to develop skills for independence at every opportunity.  It is really helpful if you give further support to your child to develop these essential skills by encouraging them to participate in household activities and promoting self-help as often as possible.

    As much of the accredited work we do in Sixth Form is evidenced using photographs, we would appreciate it if you could take some photos of your child undertaking various activities, such as cooking or doing household chores.  We are keen to see the work our students are producing and would be very pleased if you could share it with us by email. Alternatively, your child may build up a portfolio to share with us when we return to school.

    We focus our learning on three stages; ExperienceExplore or Investigate.  Our discussions with you should enable you to confidently navigate through the appropriate area to support their learning.