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Part of TEAM Education Trust

  • Together Everyone Achieves More

    Sport Premium

    The Sports Premium Funding is being used to:

    Support teaching staff to deliver high-quality PE and Sporting activities across planned units of the PE curriculum by using the ‘Get Set 4 PE’ program and the PE lead for specialist advice.

    To provide two hours of high-quality PE sessions for each pupil each week.

    To ensure staff are fully equipped with the knowledge and understanding they need to plan and deliver ‘units’ of work that are structured, progressive and delivered to a good or better standard for our children at Model Village Primary School.

    To ensure that all children are engaged in PE or sporting opportunities that reflect their interests, by representing their school in intra-school experiences, festivals and competitive sports.

    For children to use communication and motivation as key skills within PE to drive other areas of the curriculum taught at our school.

    To heighten the provision of PE and sport to nurture our children’s health, fitness and wellbeing now and for their futures.

    To promote ‘active’ lunchtimes, giving our children opportunities to engage in sport throughout the day as well as developing leadership skills, for our year 6 children, to support others in sporting games and activities.

    Provide a variety of enrichment activities that are organised and provided around our children’s interests, to drive participation levels in sport at lunchtimes and after school.