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Part of TEAM Education Trust

  • Together Everyone Achieves More


    Our school uniform helps students to develop a sense of belonging, to be part of the school community.  Looking smart and well-presented is a useful life-skill which will help to prepare all our students for life beyond education.

    Our uniform is simple and designed to be practical yet smart.  To see a full list of uniform requirements, please click on the links above.

    You are asked to ensure that children wear sensible clothes and shoes appropriate for a day in school.

    Students should not bring mobile telephones, iPods or MP3 players or any other ‘gadget’ to school. If these items are brought into school, they should be given to Reception as the children enter school to be kept safe until the end of the school day when they can be collected.

    Our school uniform provider is My Clothing Limited.  A selection of t-shits, jumpers and fleeces are available. You can access their website using the following link:

    The Parents Group also run a good second-hand clothing store to help to raise funds for the school. Please ask your child's teacher for further details or e-mail us.