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Part of TEAM Education Trust


At Model Village Primary School we are guided by the PSHE Matters document. The key aim is to support the development of children’s attitudes, skills and knowledge about life through teaching surrounding the three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World.


Our intent is to encourage, model and teach children to be decent human beings with a good understanding of the world. Words that run throughout this overarching aim are: caring, considerate, confident, determined, resilient, understanding, prepared, courageous, healthy and aware. We hope throughout our teaching of PSHE, we ensure our learners understand the importance of these characteristics and how they can impact the wider world. Through the teaching of PSHE, we aim to teach children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diverse society we live in, relationships between different groups, the importance of inclusion and understanding and celebrating their own identity. Above all, we endeavour to help students to become confident, happy and healthy individuals with the knowledge to succeed in their future lives.


Teachers have the freedom to teach the key themes in PSHE in an order that promotes cross-curricular learning. Thought has been given to ensure progression in knowledge, language, skills and understanding throughout the school. Teachers plan their lesson in a way that appeals to all learning styles and encourages collaborative learning and discussion. As a result, barriers are removed and the success of all pupils whether they be SEN or extremely able, is promoted. The PSHE curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure children communicate their ideas in a variety of ways whether that be spoken, written, active or pictorial. Social stories and circle time cards enhance the teaching of PSHE and facilitate deeper conversations linked to the key areas of relationships, health and wellbeing and understanding the wider world. To deepen these skills further, our Kindness Curriculum runs alongside our PSHE modules and on the first Friday of every month, our children look at one value e.g. Honesty which is then discussed, explored and promoted throughout that month. During each month our students also experience a visit from a professional e.g. Vicar who talks about that month's chosen value and why it is important in their role. We also use the zones of regulation to help our children learn the skills to identify and understand their emotions and feelings and strategies to deal with these.


Through a well-structured and taught PSHE curriculum, our students will have the skills to help them become happy, healthy and successful individuals who understand, contribute and challenge the world around them. We assess the pupil’s knowledge through:

  • Pupil discussions and debates
  • Targeted questioning
  • Pupil voice
  • Evidence in folders
  • Assessment against planned learning objectives
  • Quizzes
  • The teaching and delivery of PSHE is also monitored through learning walks, pupil voice and work scrutiny