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Part of TEAM Education Trust

Physical Education & Sport


At Model Village Primary School we are guided by the National Curriculum for PE (2014):

  • All children access high quality PE lessons and physical programs that are delivered by trained, competent and enthusiastic staff.
  • That all children are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • That children are given opportunities to represent our school and engage in competitive sports and other sporting activities.
  • That children are equipped to lead healthy, active lives, nurturing children’s wellbeing and thinking of our children holistically.
In Key Stage 1:

Children will develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They will be able to engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

In Key Stage 2:

Children will continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to create actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They will develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.


Physical Education and Sport is an important part of our curriculum that provides opportunities for our children to develop holistically: socially and physically. 'Thinking healthily' encourages our children to live and lead a happy and healthy lifestyle now, which we then hope will motivate them to make healthy, active lifestyle choices for their future. At Model Village, we reinforce 'positivity' in anything our children strive to achieve and develop children's resilience, where necessary, to make our children well rounded learners. We provide opportunities that inspire children to succeed, or excel, in PE and Sport by providing an enriching, varied PE and Sport curriculum for children to explore and flourish, whether it be embedded within our PE curriculum, through exposure to PE and Sports beyond our school and within extracurricular activities. We aim to build the foundations of a lifelong love of being physically active to help our children recognise and value the impact PE and Sport can have on their health, wellbeing and values. At Model Village Primary School we build and shape character, embed values such as: fairness, respect, co-operation, teamwork and resilience for our children through the 'golden thread' of communication. We aim to embed these fundamental principles of life from an early age to motivate our children to be great role models now and in their futures.


Our PE curriculum, at Model Village, is broken down into 8 key areas of teaching and learning:

  • Invasion games
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Health and Well-being/ Conditioning
  • Striking and fielding
  • Co-ordination games
  • Athletics
  • Swimming (offered to lower KS2 and upper KS2)

Key skills and vocabulary in each area of teaching and learning are planned and progressive for each year group. We use the 'Get Set 4 PE' program to provide all teaching staff with a long and medium term plan for PE unit coverage. Also, teachers readily have available a sequence of lessons, resources, videos and cues to support them to deliver high quality PE lessons for each planned out unit to our children.

In Early Years, the children work on fundamental skills – agility, balance and co-ordination – mainly working solitary. They are exposed to early units of Gymnastics and Dance too.

Within Key Stage 1, fundamental skills are developed further and children are taught how to apply the skills in paired work, small groups and to implement the skills in small-sided games.

Fundamentals, agility, balance and co-ordination development, continue to progressively level within lower key stage 2 too. The key skills children have acquired from previous years are used to practise, develop, analyse and perfect before applying to small-sided games and children are given a variety of sports to apply such skills in intra-class competitions.

Building further, within upper key stage 2 our children continue to develop, analyse and perfect learnt skills but then are given more of an emphasis on practising, developing, analysing and perfecting these within competitive situations, both intra and inter-sporting opportunities.

PE curriculum mapping is planned out and shared with all teaching staff prior to the academic year by the PE and Sports lead on the 'Get Set 4 PE program.'  All teachers are given the opportunity to discuss subject knowledge and delivery of a unit with the PE lead prior to the delivery of the unit to ensure our children succeed and achieve 'the best they can be.' 'PE curriculum mapping' ensures that our children have the opportunity to experience a broad, varied but well-balanced curriculum, in line with the National Curriculum, as well as with our competition calendar at Model Village Primary School. Our PE and Sport Curriculum is planned out carefully, so that our children are aware, experienced, prepared for sporting opportunities and they have the chance to take part in within and beyond school. 

Each year group is allocated 2 hours of PE per week, with opportunities to access either the inside or outside learning environment. A hall timetable is provided for all teaching staff each term that allocates their PE slots for the term by the PE lead. Additional slots can be arranged, if the hall is required by speaking with the PE lead – an outdoor space is always available at our school (especially in better weather).

We plan experiences and opportunities for all children to work with coaches, leaders and inspirational athletes throughout the year. We feel this heightens the profile of PE and Sport for all our children and contributes towards the ‘BUZZ’ PE and Sport has amongst the children at Model Village Primary School. We hope to prepare our children with a positive mental attitude towards PE and Sport which will inform the choices they make with regard to health, fitness and well-being in their future.

At Model Village Primary School, both years 3 and 5 visit the local swimming pool (The Arc, Clowne) where they learn to:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters
  • Use a range of strokes effectively
  • Perform safe, self-rescue in different water-based situations

We feel that offering swimming as an experience and opportunity in lower key stage 2 prepares our children better mentally and physically, to gain more experience swimming in upper key stage 2.

A wide range of physical resources are used to teach the complete PE curriculum. These are stored in our lockable PE store. The resources within the PE store are readily available to all teaching staff to support them in teaching an engaging and stimulating curriculum.

Each class has access to a resource shed that includes equipment to support their physical development at break times. These resources are reviewed, audited and replenished throughout the year to ensure that children have the opportunity to engage in physical activity throughout the school day.


As guided by the PE National Curriculum (2014):

By the end of the EYFS pupils will be able to:

  • Show good control and coordination in large and small movements.
  • Move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space.
  • Will begin to work co-operatively with others, taking it in turns.
  • Will begin to take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity.

By the end of KS1 pupils will be able to:

  • Build on and embed the physical development and skills learnt in EYFS (be active and interact with others, to improve their skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movements).
  • Develop fundamental movement skills.
  • They become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others.
  • Be able to engage in competitive [both against self and against others] co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

By the end of KS2 pupils will be able to:

  • Build on and embed the physical development and skills learnt in Key Stage 1.
  • Continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills.
  • Learn how to use the skills in different ways/ situations and apply to a variety of Sports.
  • To link skills making actions and sequences of movement.
  • Enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other.
  • Develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own and others' successes.

Throughout our children's time at Model Village they will work towards the aims and outcomes laid out in the National Curriculum for PE and Sport. Our intent is to equip our children to grow and develop holistically, to learn so much about themselves and of others. Also, to learn about healthy, active lifestyles and the long-term effects of being fit and healthy. To give opportunities to develop life skills that are transferable from our PE curriculum to equip our children for their future and ensure they can be the best they can be before leaving Model Village influencing healthy eating to sportsmanship, fair play, respect, and resilience.

We nurture the whole child in our PE curriculum, developing confidence, risk-taking and leadership and, of upmost importance, communication skills for all of our children.

PE is enjoyable and a fun time for children at Model Village which creates a happy, positive, readiness attitude for our children then across the curriculum. The skills they learn within PE, as a subject, are transferable across the curriculum, strength their whole curriculum outlook and motivates our children's future!